react-admin : <List> viewFront-end/React.js 2020. 3. 4. 15:04
React-admin - The List View
The List View The List view displays a list of records fetched from the API. The entry point for this view is the component, which takes care of fetching the data. Then, it passes the data to an iterator view - usually , which then delegates the rendering
<List> component
API에서 fetch한 레코드들의 배열을 디스플레이함.
보통 <Datagrid>를 사용하여 데이터들을 열거하고 <Field> 컴포넌트에 각 레코드들을 렌더링함.
리덕스 용어로 치면 <List>는 conntected component이고, <Datagrid>는 dumb component임.
<List> 컴포넌트가 허용하는 props는 아래와 같음.
- title - default : [resource] list
- actions
- exporter : 디폴트로 <ExportButton>을 갖고 있음 (csv file로 download) fasle값 주면 리무브
- bulkActionButtons : 한 번에 여러 레코드에 효과를 주는 버튼 (2가지 - BulkDeleteButton, BulkExportButton)
- filters : 반드시 <Input>이 있어야 함
- perPage : default는 10이고 오버라이딩해서 변경할 수 있음 ex.
- sort {field, order} , 필드에서 sortBy 속성을 사용할 수 있음
- filter
- filterDefaultValues
- pagination
- aside
- empty
import { List, downloadCSV } from 'react-admin'; import jsonExport from 'jsonexport/dist'; const exporter = posts => { const postsForExport = posts.map(post => { const { backlinks, author, ...postForExport } = post; // omit backlinks and author postForExport.author_name = post.author.name; // add a field return postForExport; }); jsonExport(postsForExport, { headers: ['id', 'title', 'author_name', 'body'] // order fields in the export }, (err, csv) => { downloadCSV(csv, 'posts'); // download as 'posts.csv` file }); }) const PostList = props => ( <List {...props} exporter={exporter}> ... </List> )
const PostFilter = (props) => ( <Filter {...props}> <TextInput label="Search" source="q" alwaysOn /> <TextInput label="Title" source="title" defaultValue="Hello, World!" /> </Filter> ); export const PostList = (props) => ( <List {...props} filters={<PostFilter />}> ... </List> );
<Datagrid> component
- body
- rowStyle
- rowClick - edit, show, expand, toggloeSelection, function
- expand
- isRowSelectable
export const PostList = (props) => ( <List {...props}> <Datagrid rowClick="edit"> ... </Datagrid> </List> );
const PostPanel = ({ id, record, resource }) => ( <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: record.body }} /> ); const PostList = props => ( <List {...props}> <Datagrid expand={<PostPanel />}> <TextField source="id" /> <TextField source="title" /> <DateField source="published_at" /> <BooleanField source="commentable" /> <EditButton /> </Datagrid> </List> )
export const PostList = props => ( <List {...props}> <Datagrid isRowSelectable={ record => record.id > 300 }> ... </Datagrid> </List> );
style을 커스터마이징할 때는 useStyles() 메소드 활용
import React from 'react'; import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core'; const useStyles = makeStyles({ row: { backgroundColor: '#ccc', }, }); const PostList = props => { const classes = useStyles(); return ( <List {...props}> <Datagrid classes={{ row: classes.row }}> ... </Datagrid> </List> ); } export PostList;
<SimpleList> component
- <List> <ReferenceManyField> child로 사용
- 반응형 웹을 제작할 때 작은 스크린용으로 사용하는 것이 좋음
- props : primaryText, secondaryText, leftAvatar, leftIcon, rightAvatar, rightIcon
// in src/posts.js import React from 'react'; import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core'; import { List, SimpleList, Datagrid, TextField, ReferenceField, EditButton } from 'react-admin'; export const PostList = (props) => { const isSmall = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.down('sm')); return ( <List {...props}> {isSmall ? ( <SimpleList primaryText={record => record.title} secondaryText={record => `${record.views} views`} tertiaryText={record => new Date(record.published_at).toLocaleDateString()} /> ) : ( <Datagrid> ... </Datagrid> )} </List> ); }
<SingleFieldList> component
- 레코드들의 배열 중에 한 가지 속성을 나타낼 때 사용하는 컴포넌트
- 하나의 <Field>를 자식 컴포넌트로 가짐
- <ReferenceManyField> <ReferenceArrayField> 컴포넌트의 자식으로서 유용함
<ReferenceArrayField label="Tags" reference="tags" source="tags" > <SingleFieldList> <ChipField source="name" /> </SingleFieldList> </ReferenceArrayField>
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